I'm a freelance writer lucky to live in Britain's beautiful southwestern tip, Cornwall.
At the moment, I'm working part-time for the Local Storytelling Exchange, an ambitious communications project that feeds climate action stories into the media. We're listening to anyone doing their bit for people and the planet - from large-scale renewable firms to grassroots groups.
Social justice issues are at the heart of my work. Previously, I ran around London as a news reporter, documenting major stories including COVID-19, the London Mayoral Election and climate protests. I also share stories from international communities, with former writing roles in Costa Rica and South Africa.
I've always got an eye out for a story and I've freelanced for publications including The Guardian, BBC Future and Nat Geo. For commissions and collaborations feel free to drop a line to francescaadkins6@gmail.com.
I have an MA with distinction in International Journalism from City, University of London. During the course I gained broadcast skills in radio and TV and took modules in data, social media and digital journalism.
Prior to this, I spent four years immersed in countless books (and cafes) while reading English Literature at Edinburgh University. This included a year across the pond, where I switched my lectures on the works of Shakespeare to Whitman at a small liberal arts college in Virginia, USA.
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